Callback Hell (Day 1)

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# Callback Hell (Day 1)

# What are some of the signs and causes of Callback Hell?

Code is written in such a way that execution happens visually from top to bottom or when there is a ton of empty space with })'s everywhere.

# What does the asynchronous mean and how are callbacks involved?

Asynchronous means to take some time and callbacks are used when grabbing information from databases. Callbacks are made up of code that is meant for when an asynchronous function finishes.

# Summarize the 3 ways to avoid / fix Callback Hell

The first thing you can do is try and keep your code shallow by naming your functions. The second thing is to make modules. By creating modules you can avoid callback hell because your code will be organized into smaller files that you can use. Try to make your code stable by handling all errors you come across.

# Afternoon Challenge

Last update: September 23, 2021 04:13