Scrum for Small Teams (Day 2)
# Scrum for Small Teams (Day 2)
# Why is communication on a small team important?
Communication on a small team is important for many reasons. For starters, finding a way to keep the client informed while still giving the development team the space they need can be challenging. However, the client needs to have that communication so they know the progress that the team is making. Small teams need to be able to overcome whatever challenges may be thrown at them and handle those challenges in the best way possible to create a good product.
# What adjustments from traditional sized scrum teams need to be made to use the agile methodology effectively in a small team?
Making adjustments and compromises in a small development team should only happen when it makes sense. That might include changing how often meetings are held, or how long they are held for to provide time for the development team to work on their project. It might also include something like running two sprints in parrallel so that multiple things can be achieved around the same time. The most important thing to making agile methodologies effective is through good communication with your team.
# What is the unattainable triangle? What are the tradeoffs of each side?
The unattainable triangle is a paradox that is the set of tradeoffs between the speed of development and the quality of the software delivered. The three tradeoffs of the unattainable triangle paradox are first, good service cheap won't be fast, second, good service fast won't be cheap, and third, fast service cheap won't be good.
# Afternoon Challenge Working On Capstones